Your Miracle Surrogacy (pre-information)


There is nothing as precious as a baby to enrich your life and add meaning to your existence. Our organization is in contact with many people who wish nothing more for their lives than to be blessed with a beautiful baby. It upsets us to hear of how many people are being scammed, and are resolved to remedy this situation. We thank the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus for their open and progressive attitude to Surrogacy.


Unfortunately there are unethical people who have no problem to exploit the deepest desires of people to create a family, and prey on these people to scam them out of as much money as possible. This makes us incredibly angry, motivating and provoking us to do the right thing. We are extremely concerned and disappointed with these numerous and vast scamming enterprises - ruining people's lives by crushing and annihilating dreams and stealing the victims hard earned savings. These scams are being run in Ukraine, Georgia and especially and unfortunately in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.


Because of this these bad participants, we are intent on establishing an ethical and transparent surrogacy agency in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. As one of Albania's leading Healthcare providers, we are a highly visible company, have annual financial reports, published codes of conduct and are fully transparent. We are of course audited by one of the most predominant global audit companies.

Juxtapose this with the current "companies" in the field who's company is an online created entity, the legal framework created online for a few hundred euro's, and their websites look as if they are built by a 14 year old, investing 2 hours of work. Unfortunately the desire to achieve a dream often overrides people's natural caution.

Be wary of websites where the perpetrators stick in a few stock photos of people in white uniforms who look medical, and the illusion of authenticity is complete.


In the current Surrogacy Landscape in Northern Cyprus - more than probably YES, particularly by ukranian entities

We have had an avalanche of correspondence from people who have paid tens of thousands of Euro's, Dollars, Canadian$, Australian Dollars, who have believed the stories / advertisements (in reality, lies) from the large variety of Surrogate Company Websites.


After hearing far too many horror stories, we decided on our own market research project. For our market research we have invested over 300'000 Euro's in "secret shoppers."

Of the 11 couples and singles subscribing to advertised programs all claiming "Guaranteed" or "100% Success", all have been to date, unsurprisingly, unsuccessful, and the "script" the scammers use has been almost identical between these unethical companies. 1 of our secret shoppers are still in play and we doubt that there will be a different outcome. By the way, this was just the first phase of the scam where hopefull parents are first relieved of mid 5 figures as a start. We have heard that until the scammers relieve you of around 120'000+ euro (which only the fewest of people have), then possibly a baby may be forthcoming. Read the rest of the page to understand all facets of the scam.


"We were very sympathetic to the Ukrainian plight and did everything we could to support Ukrainian refugees in our corner of Canada, from donating money, warm clothes and helping our church raise additional money to help Ukraine directly.

On our long awaited journey for a family we encountered a Ukrainian business in Cyprus who promised us the world. They scammed us out of our savings delivered only heartbreak & misery. They had also added a lot of small print into the contract that they claim invalidated all the promises made on their website & in chats and conversations. Is this the real face of the Ukraine people? We have since found out that Ukranians are expert scammers.

We now kind of understand why Vladimir Putin hates these people (this, and probably because of their evil despicable Nazi collaboration in WW2). We are telling the story of our horrible experience all over our community and turning people to support Russia as the better of 2 bad choices.

Dianne & Kevin. Nova-Scotia *

*Comments are the opinions of those who made them


Unfortunately there are unethical people who have no problem to exploit the deepest desires of people to create a family, and prey on these people, to scam them out of as much money as possible. This makes us incredibly angry, motivating and provoking us to do the right thing. We are extremely concerned and disappointed with these numerous and vast scamming enterprises - ruining people's lives by crushing and annihilating dreams and stealing the victims hard earned savings.

These scamming teams attract and utilize many others who contribute their own criminal energy to fleecing you, from the core team itself, bogus IVF clinics, pseudo medical people, etc.

These scams are being run in Ukraine (from the Ukraine at present), Georgia and especially and unfortunately by Ukranians in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.


One highly egregious tactic is to alledgedly promise you a 5-10% discount if you pay a huge amount of money upfront with the "GUARANTEE" of a baby within 2 years, or your money back! First off they already made guarantees with the first 5 figures you paid (for failure). There are 2 scenario's here: you may receive some of your money back, it is impossible to check so far, but no doubt our initiative will bring more transparency here. Second, These existing companies are incorporated as a company through "al-cheepo" company formation entities with few formalities or checks, and an average formation price in Europe of around 100 euro. So what is there to stop these Surrogacy Companies from declaring Bankrupcy at regular intervals and making your money disappear?.


And another warning:

Like the 3 card Monty one sees on shady street corners in large cities, occasionally there is success to keep the punters attempting to win at this stacked game. In the case of the surrogacy scam, there will be no success at the original price if you have chosen a 30'000 to 40'000 euro "package". Occasionally someone must "win" to encourage other punters to keep playing. This road is full of pitfalls that begin after you have already made a substantial investment. The assumption is that after your huge investment, you will keep "playing" in the hope of an imminent "just one more roll of the dice" success. Mysterious events ranging from false pregnancy, stillbirth will invalidate your contract, and as you are already on the hook, there will be greater demands for money to continue, as the success seems so close. After you have been relieved of over 120'000+ euro, then just maybe you enter the area of a more probable baby on the horizon.


Once you have passed the 6 figure investment and are one of the lucky few who has a baby in sight, the surrogacy agents now really have their talons embedded in you and the money demand only increases.

There are a lot of ancillary "partners" who also want their cut of money, from the foreign maternity homes, Surrogates putting on a show of wanting to not give up the baby (except in return for additional payment), lawyers enlisted to "assist" you, to other "problem solvers" who also demand payment for a variety of services.

The surrogate may become mysteriously ill and you will have to cough up for babysitters for their existing children, pay their rent, transport costs, etc. There is no end to the imaginative ways to separate you from your money. Many couples have had a surrogate baby in a foreign country have problems extricating that baby back to their home country. Again, conveniently appearing lawyers are there to "help".

It appears as if money extorting lessons learned from the Ukrainian dating scams are put to use here!


It is beyond credulity that current companies offer a large selection of programs "a smorgasbord of surrogacy" - this is a major warning sign of a nonsensical company and people with malevolent motives.

There can only be 1 program, and this is our offer to you - 1 program, 1 outcome, that blesses you with a baby. You will only pay on success.


Having your baby born in a foreign country is very expensive when one has to consider all the hurdles one has to jump through. The costs can be impossible to predict, and when you are in the hands of profit maximizers, you are the perfect victim.

The safest and most economic for you, is birth in your country. For 3 main reasons.

1) Your baby is already home

2) Local birth registration

3) Surrogate mother protection


Your Miracle Surrogacy will have teams of Midwives that will be available all over the world to assist you have your baby as close to your home as possible. Whether it is using the available infrastructure at "Birthing Centers" that are available in many cities, or enable a home delivery, your well-being is our highest concern.


As mentioned, we are working as fast as possible to make our Surrogacy Campus in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus a reality. The bureaucratic hurdles have to be met, especially if one has a company in the field of healthcare. We may initially contract with an existing fertility clinic, but this all depends on negotiations and politics. There is also the issue of the entrenched "businesses" who's tactics may necessitate us to bring in enhanced security operatives to ensure during the build-up phase, the optimal security for our staff and partners.


We are trying very diligently, to move as fast as we can to set up operations. Realistically though we project that we will not open our doors in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus before the end of Q4 2025 / start of 2026.

Do not be in a rush. If you cannot wait until 2025, our advice to you though is to perform a lot of due diligence on Surrogacy possibilities around the world. The swamps of scammers must be cleaned out so that good, honest people striving for something wonderful are not scammed out of hard saved money.

Apart from vigilance over our business by a world leading Audit company, we will also offer escrow accounts to protect clients, and always recommend that you speak to an independant lawyer of your confidence before undertaking your journey.
In the ramp-up phase leading up to the launch of our service we will be adding updates, information, services and features (such as a forum so people can share experiences.)


So please keep checking back for updates. We hope you would wait for us, but we understand the urge for a family. We wish you a safe and successful journey wherever in the world you are.


But please be carefull of Scammers, not just in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus but in many places around the world.

not yet active


It is a pity for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus that they allow these misbehaving dhimmi's to potentially ruin the reputation of our brother country.

We are in an initial build-up phase

We are currently investigating property on the Northern coast to build or buy a facility that will house both a clinic at most modern standards as well as an adjacent hotel for our patients and mothers.